
The dangers of the trapdoor arrangement

Herman Broers

The following short clip appeared on TikTok recently, showing a non compliant trapdoor arrangement, and a pilot using it. From this short video, the dangers of this kind of arrangement are very clear. The pilot ladder and the combination ladder are not secured to the hull. Both are hanging free […]

ICS and IMPA shipping guidance can help curb pilot transfer fatalities

Herman Broers

Source: ICS Press release A guide to maritime pilot transfer safety has been updated amid industry concerns about poorly rigged ladders causing severe injuries or fatalities. The ‘Shipping Industry Guidance on Pilot Transfer Arrangements’, produced by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) in partnership with the International Maritime Pilots’ Association […]

Orbituary Capt. Troy Evans

Herman Broers

It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of Captain Troy Evans, maritime pilot from Tauranga, New Zealand. Troy has been a pioneer in sharing the awareness on pilot ladder safety. His practical research in determining the strength of various intermediate securing methods of ladders was groundbreaking […]

Pilots: Deaths by unsafe pilot ladders and incompetent crew

Herman Broers

Loodsen: “Doden door onveilige loodsladders en onkundige bemanning” Source: Schuttevaer, 15 december 2021 De internationale loodsenassociatie Impa luidt de noodklok over onveilige loodsladders. Uit een wereldwijde peiling blijkt volgens de loodsen dat de toegang tot het schip via de loodsladder vaak niet voldoet aan de voorschriften. In Europa gaat het […]

IMPA Safety Campaign Analysis 2017-2021

Herman Broers

 Every year, the International Maritime Pilots’ Association publishes the results of its annual IMPA SAFETY CAMPAIGN. The following analysis has been made using data from the IMPA Safety Campaign on pilot ladders from 2017 until 2021. The data has been retrieved from the IMPA site and from data of previous […]