Some Thoughts On The Pilot Ladder Poster – Article

Herman Broers
IMO / IMPA Wheelhouse Poster
IMO / IMPA Wheelhouse Poster

Recently, Schelde Pilot Arie Palmers wrote an article on the information displayed on the REQUIRED BOARDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR PILOT -poster, also known as: ” The wheelhouse poster” :

Goodmorning! recently I finished a small article on the well known ‘pilot ladder poster’. We all know there are different errors in the poster and it needs improvement. The poster is a great asset to ship crews and therefore it needs to be as accurate as possible. I hope you will comment on the article and share your thoughts of improvements that can be made on the poster with me.

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Another good practice example: a simple poster at the pilot ladder station on how to DO IT RIGHT , THE FIRST TIME . Thanks to the MAGLEBY MAERSK

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