This summer, on July 18th 2022, one of the pilots of YALPAS Pilotage company, Captain Cafer Kiribrahim (64 years old), died when boarding by pilot boat “Yalova Pilot 2” to tanker named “Alhena” at Yalova anchorage area. This tragic incident made all maritime pilots in Türkiye very sad. We bid farewell to Captain Kıribrahim, who has only one year away from his retirement, in Istanbul on 19th July. Rest in peace. Our condolences to his family and loved ones.
According to the research I conducted in 2014, the number of pilot deaths (all deaths ) between 1961 and 2014 in Turkey was 15 (3.53 years/person). In 2022, the number of pilots who died reached 20 (3.05 years/person).
After this accident, pilotage companies took lessons from this incident and reviewed their safety practices. What these might be was discussed at the company I worked for and the accepted ones were put into effect and this process is still ongoing.
In those days, it occurred to me to prepare transfer safety signs about maritime pilot. I thought it would be more effective to describe this process with images instead of writing pages and pages . Once the idea arose, it was time to implement it. These visuals were to be prepared in the form of do’ and don’ts . However, there was a problem. How would these images be prepared? The answer to this question came from Mr. Aygun ÇAKIR. He is a talented young man. I told him about the project and he gave me a positive response after a short thought. Thus, we started the project at the beginning of October 2022.
Now it’s his turn to speak Mr. ÇAKIR. He says the following about the awareness project: “We started the awareness project with the valuable Maritime Pilot Mr. HANHAN. One day he told me he had a project in mind. In fact, the main idea of the project was to make the maritime pilots aware of certain issues by using visual communication. Knowing that I have knowledge in the field of graphic design, he told me about this project and asked us to work together. I accepted this offer with great enthusiasm. We officially started the project on October 3rd 2022, as a result of Capt. HANHAN conveying his ideas to me on his expertise and I transferred this to the visual . By adopting the motto “Always stay safe”, we continue our project with the same excitement as on the first day . ”
Now, we will present you 9 images that emerged at the end of these 3 months. We hope that the images will be spread by you, on this occasion Mary Christmas and wish you a happy new year.
Capt. Uluç Hanhan – Aygün Çakır
“Remember, always stay safe”