Port of New South Wales issues new PTA Regulations

Herman Broers

On July 3rd, 2023 The Port of New South Wales Harbour Authority issued Harbour Master Instruction HMI 23-03E, named ” Safe Marine Pilot Transfer (MPT) Arrangement – Pilot Ladder “.


Vessel Masters and Operators – All vessels arriving and departing the port of Newcastle


The substandard condition of the pilot ladders and their associated equipment, inadequate maintenance regimes, incorrect rigging, and a lack of awareness has been established as the major contributors to several significant incidents during pilot transfers.

To ensure the potential risks and the safety concerns surrounding the marine pilot transfers are effectively addressed and to ensure a standardised approach to marine pilot transfer arrangements, the Port Authority of New South Wales has mandated the below minimum safety criteria which would come into force on
01 October 2023.

This Instruction sets regulations for ship’s masters and operators, which supersede IMO and ISO requirements. In short the maximum age of the ladder is mandated, just like the age of the manropes. It also sets new standards on crew guidance, PTA certification and marking of pilot ladders.

The full document can be found here:

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IMPA Safety Campaign

Message from the International Maritime Pilots Association: Dear Colleagues, Today marks the beginning of the IMPA Safety Campaign! We strongly encourage all Maritime Pilots to report both compliant and non-compliant transfer arrangements. Your active involvement is essential for enhancing safety! Submit your reports here ➡️ https://survey.impahq.org/ To download the IMPA […]

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