Impa Safety Campaign Analysis 2018-2022

Herman Broers

Every year, the International Maritime Pilots’ Association publishes the results of its annual IMPA SAFETY CAMPAIGN.  The following analysis has been made using data from the IMPA Safety Campaign on pilot ladders from 2018 until 2022. The data has been retrieved from the IMPA site and from data of previous years.

In conclusion, the number of returns has recovered from the low number last year, an increase of 40%. The worrying figure is the percentage of non-compliant pilot transfer arrangements: worldwide an average percentage of 17% of all PTA’s is non-compliant. Ther is still a lot of work to be done.

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The 2023 review of Pilot Transfer Arrangement Regulations, a chance for innovation?

In the spring of 2023, the IMO Sub-commission on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) may start a process of review and amendments to the SOLAS Ch V. reg 23: the regulations regarding Pilot Transfer Arrangements (PTAs). The pilot ladder in use today dates back decades, if not centuries. […]

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